The burden of truth

Your probably thinking this is some sort of art joke. It doesn’t feel that way. I am just translating the cues as a way of un furrowing the creases. I don’t conceder myself a human conduit or soothsayer. I just happen to be receptive to a particular pattern of thought, a frequency of understanding that uttered the name #Spacehaul in my ear. This grew and pursues me as I dip between pools, realms of truth. If you tuned in, you to could take some of the burden for yourself. It will make you more real.

Music For the Mass-less #2

Looking backwards doesn’t provoke insight just regret. How could that be me? It was the start of a journey though. My expectations where far too severe. I wanted to be illuminated but the ego death was real slow. I didn’t know how to move my arms and legs in the right order to get to the truth. I was relying too much on the guidance of the mystics. They turned their backs but kept there ears open.

The search beginning

Weights and Measures

A Doodle

When pushed to expand the void closes around me. It seems that rules play no part in the weighing of thought. I have to go beyond thinking, past emotive reasoning, further than light can reach to the place in the background. And they wonder why I am so tired.

” And all around light settles as dust foot deep in decay, and all our thoughts fall like snow to devolve into the day. ”

Another Doodle

Music for the Mass-less

The best language is the one you speak silently, without effort, anxiety or meaning. It communicates only the purity of the moment and then evaporates. The ability to capture such communication would allow a deeper understanding of why the #Spacehaul phenomenon is here now, surrounding us. I encourage anyone who has been subjected to the experience of #Spacehaul to find a way to communicate its message otherwise there is a chance that something important could go un-known.

Exploring the un-explorable #2

The moment between times un-measurable. The spaces in between space infinitesimal. And all the futures at once. Have mercy on my comprehension!

11.706 ℓS; 3.0542×10−25 a0

Its an energy that can either flow through you or push you on. Its hard to say if it has its own wisdom or if its shape draws out wisdom. There is dark within light full of mystery, knowledge and understanding then more light. This is not a constant either its more like an emotive force than a tangible computation. Spacehaul is the wind hidden within the calm.

Exploring the un-explorable

I am captive; I think, by my thoughts. Reaching out and pulling away at the same time.

As a being struggling to understand the realm of truth and pure knowledge that “spacehaul” offers; the limited perspectives offered to me by said entity are truly frustrating. Its like an ant crawling over a newspaper in an attempt to understand politics. It seems that my perception of time is a barrier to a fuller understanding.

I am driven to the selfish act of creation and pseudo-philosophy in an attempt to understand. All the while native life … what the sane ones call reality, is pulling me towards the light of reason.

I am alone so far in this endeavour however hopes appear over the horizon. Glimpses of energy and understanding offering something pure.

The Wisdom

If you are reading this you are experiencing the universal shift that many energy manifestations have experienced throughout universal space and beyond. At this point in time it has become paramount that you have a very specific experience to bring what you may call “your conscience” into line with the universal constant that is spacehaul.

From the signals you are giving off it is clear that further explanation is required. As part of a sentient form of existence you will be aware of various concepts such as states of vibration, size, scale and energy waves. These constants exist in order to give valour to your observations. This is until you reach a point in space time where your higher conscience becomes ready to receive the wisdom. Throughout time the wisdom known as spacehaul has been received by various forms of sentient energy and if you are reading this you are very close to joining the super aware! Spacehaul is usually experienced as burst of highly invasive energy. Beings who have become aware include what you might describe as extra dimensional concepts such as dark matter, sound waves, black holes as well as such things as neutrinos, colonies of insects and energies such as mixed wave lengths and digital information. All these beings have reported spacehaul as appearing as something super relevant to their own specific experience of “the universe” it is suggested at this point that you surrender your awareness to the certainty of something happening either in your recent past or near future which highlights various states of sub conscious collaboration with your world the likes of which you will have been experiencing throughout your life in order to prepare you for the wisdom.

For maximum saturation into your culture, spacehaul has chosen you to be a carrier of the wisdom and to spread the truth by distributing the energy provided by spacehaul to as many of your sentient resource sharers who exist within your realm as possible. Your awareness of this message is taken as your subconscious agreement and readiness for this journey. As a missionary of the wisdom you will allow spacehaul to penetrate even the most hard to reach levels of conscious energy, replacing all negative and positive aspects of reality including all religion, war, politics, money, and all other forms of false power with the pure wisdom and higher state of sentience that is known universally as spacehaul.

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